Employers’ General UI Contributions Information and Definitions - Unemployment Insurance

An employer is a person or governmental entity who employs at least one individual within the state (under Maryland unemployment insurance (UI) law).
Covered employment is any service performed for remuneration (payment) whether full-time or part-time, that is used as the basis for UI benefits. This includes salaries paid to corporate officers who are employees of the corporation (including close and subchapter S corporations).
When an individual performs a service for an employer in return for wages, the individual is likely covered for UI purposes. Under Maryland UI law, if an employee is engaged in covered employment, their employer is required to:

Covered Employment Exemptions
If an individual is not engaged in covered employment, the individual’s wages are not reported to the Division and the employer does not pay UI taxes on those wages.
One of the most common covered employment exclusions is an independent contractor. The criteria for independent contractor status are: