A real estate broker who holds a permit to engage in property management shall not act as a property manager unless the broker has first obtained a property management agreement signed by the broker and the client for whom the broker will manage the property.
The term of the agreement and, if the agreement is subject to renewal, provisions clearly setting forth the circumstances under which the agreement may be renewed and the term of each such renewal;
A provision for the retention and disposition of deposits of the tenants of the property during the term of the agreement and, if the agreement is subject to renewal, during the term of each such renewal;
If the agreement is subject to cancellation, provisions clearly setting forth the circumstances under which the agreement may be cancelled. The agreement may authorize the broker or the client, or both, to cancel the agreement with cause or without cause, or both, under the circumstances set forth in the agreement; and
If the broker intends to provide asset management services for the client, a provision indicating the extent to which the broker will provide those services. As used in this paragraph, “client” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 645H.060.