What is a Trademark Statement of Use? – AN EASY GUIDE

Complete Guide to Statements of Use Trademark

This is our ULTIMATE guide to trademark Statements of Use. If you have questions about Statements of Use for trademarks, then this guide is for you.

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What Are Trademark Statements of Use?

What is a Statement of Use trademark?

A Statement of Use (SOU) is a filing that demonstrates that a trademark is being used in commerce. Statements of Use are filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and are the way that you tell the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that you are using your trademark.

The USPTO requires proof that a mark is in use before it will grant a trademark application. A Statement of Use is the way you show the USPTO that you are using your mark.

A Statement of Use is the last step of the trademark application process.

A Statement of Use has several specific requirements. Read about what you need to include in a Statement of Use here.

A trademark Statement of Use (SOU) is an important part of the trademark registration process with the USPTO. It is a sworn declaration that attests to using the trademark commercially in interstate commerce – meaning it has been used in connection with goods or services across state boundaries. A SOU serves as proof to the USPTO that the trademark is now being used on the goods/services specified in its trademark application, and must be filled out properly before they can issue trademark registration certification.