Bu health insurance waiver

(Last modified December 9, 2000.)

For the rules on who must purchase the BU Student Medical Insurance Plan, see the Student Accounting Services page on

Less than 3/4-time Non-International Students

*Remember that students who have completed all required courses and are on "Continuing Study" are usually certified as studying full-time.

There are several issues students should be aware of concerning part-time status:

The Waiving Procedure

If you choose another insurance plan that meets BU's requirements, you must formally waive the BU Student Medical Insurance Plan. The state program MassHealth does qualify as a student insurance plan. To waive the BU plan, you should do the following:

    Make sure the plan meets BU's qualifications for a student insurance plan. You may wish to contact Student Account Services at 617-353-2264 if you are not sure.

To contact the Graduate Student Organization on healthcare issues, send mail to healthcare@gso.bu.edu.