Map of Europe Pre World War One

Here we have a map of Europe before the break out of WW1 . As you can see there are some Countries that have remained relatively the same. Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands and Italy to name a few.

What is different is that there a number of Empires also on the map. These Empires do seem to encroach on existing countries. A few examples are The Austro-Hungarian empire has at this stage swallowed Croatia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The German empire has been pushed into parts of what is considered modern Denmark and also controls large parts of Poland. The Russian empire controls all of Finland, Parts of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Georgia, Latvia and Estonia. The Otton Empire, by this stage has been pushed back into Turkey and is actually an Ally of the German empire in the First World War.

The other thing we can say that stands out on this map which you won’t find on a modern map is that, what is now the Republic of Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

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